“Deep thinker & creative partner on your side!”

“Rob is a creative superstar at what he does!”

“... the perfect mix of spiritual teachings and tough love.”

Brittany M.

“I rarely ever read Sabriyé’s articles only once.”

Bridget P.

Ready for a more tailored approach? I have just the thing for you!

Business Coaching for Conscious Creators

Let’s unpack the challenges that are holding you back from achieving your true potential, … in life and in biz. Feeling stuck? I can help you find direction and focus.

Read our news

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts Two

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts Two

You don’t “find” your values. You choose them. You have to do the work of exploring and looking and selecting and owning. And then defining! Define what matters most to you. Values are an inexhaustible source of motivation—they propel us forward into the direction of...

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My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts

You don’t “find” your values. You choose them. You have to do the work of exploring and looking and selecting and owning. And then defining! Define what matters most to you. Values are an inexhaustible source of motivation—they propel us forward into the direction of...

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This is the Post Template for the blog section

This is the Post Template for the blog section

In oktober 2019 merkte ik dat mijn poes Skye al een paar dagen niet goed at. Ik ging het nog wat beter in de gaten houden, en al snel kwam ik tot de conclusie dat ze helemaal niets meer at. Wanneer ik haar lievelingssnoepjes voor haar neus legde, likte ze er wel een...

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12 Questions to Clarity

To know your values is to know yourself. Communicating them helps create connections with others.

Define What Matters Most

You don’t “find” your values. You choose them and they become visible through your actions.

A Compass for Life & Biz

Like a compass it will guide and direct you in every decision you’ll make in life & business.

PS: Effective messaging helps any product sell itself — And I’d love that for you, too!


PS: Gets any product sell itself — And I’d love that for you, too!

Your values aren’t a mere collection of words; they’re your living, breathing guiding principles for living life!

Not Your Everyday Design Program

“She offers business advice you won’t hear other entrepreneurs talking much about, which I love and so appreciate.”
— Kirsten S.

“Chatting over Chai with a Friend"

“To me there’s nothing else out there quite like Elizabeth’s podcast. This show feels like chatting over business with a great girlfriend.”
— Rebecca B.

Real, Raw, Honest and Always 100% Fair!

“Elizabeth does not hold back any of her knowledge! I love the fact that she is so transparent and full of encouragement!”
— Meggo V.


“This is the very best podcast for entrepreneurs, at all stages of business.”

“Rob gives relatable and tactical advice, so you can get moving towards your business goals. She’s easy to listen to and ise! ☺️” — Lisa L.

R esults speak for themselves. My students get more done in a 5 hour day than most people get done in a 50 hour week.

Coaching works. That’s why I’ve personally invested tens of thousands in coaching and mentorship.

Double your value. My goal for each session is to give you at least double the value that you put in.

Invest in a mentor. A coach is one of the most significant investments you can make. If you feel called to work with me, I’d be honored to work with you.

If you don’t truly believe you can change your life and your business, I promise, you won’t. But if you look at my story and think “I want that” – let’s work together to get you there. laughing

What Matters Most!

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Value-driven Compass

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A Plan for What's Next

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.

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One-on-one productivity & business coaching with Rob Elings, conducted via Zoom.


PS: Gets any product sell itself — And I’d love that for you, too!

Your values aren’t a mere collection of words; they’re your living, breathing guiding principles for living life!

Not Your Everyday Design Program

“She offers business advice you won’t hear other entrepreneurs talking much about, which I love and so appreciate.”
— Kirsten S.

“Chatting over Chai with a Friend"

“To me there’s nothing else out there quite like Elizabeth’s podcast. This show feels like chatting over business with a great girlfriend.”
— Rebecca B.

Real, Raw, Honest and Always 100% Fair!

“Elizabeth does not hold back any of her knowledge! I love the fact that she is so transparent and full of encouragement!”
— Meggo V.

Build the soul-driven business that supports your beautiful life!


“This is the very best podcast for entrepreneurs, at all stages of business.”

“Rob gives relatable and tactical advice, so you can get moving towards your business goals. She’s easy to listen to and ise! ☺️” — Lisa L.