To rise above the noise, or is it time to retire already?
By Rob E. for Your benefit

To rise above the noise,
or is it time to retire already?

Feeling ignored or slightly frustrated because people aren’t paying attention to anything that you’re posting?

Your carefully crafted Facebook posts or Instagram stories are going largely unnoticed, and you’re starting to wonder what the point of it all is.

Isn’t marketing ultimately about communicating how wonderful your product, or service, or course is, right? So the more often you do it, the better the results will be, right? Well, not entirely. Let me explain.

Make sure that the story your brand is telling is not your story, but is the story of your customer. They are the hero in their own story, not you, not your brand.

“Effective marketing is about entering the conversation that is already taking place in the customer’s mind.”

~Robert Collier

In other words, if all you do is talk about yourself, or your brand, and how you’re so much better than the competition etc. etc.,

Companies tend to sell solutions to external problems, but customers buy solutions to internal problems.

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