A Quest for the Soul of Your Business

To rise above the noise, or is it time to retire already?

To rise above the noise, or is it time to retire already?

Feeling ignored or slightly frustrated because people aren’t paying attention to anything that you’re posting?

Your carefully crafted Facebook posts or Instagram stories are going largely unnoticed, and you’re starting to wonder what the point of it all is.

A loving gaze transforms everything

A loving gaze transforms everything

believe that stating your mission, purpose, and values is a vital part of creating a successful personal brand. When you are clear about your goals and what drives you, it becomes easier to communicate your...

Authentic brand storytelling

Authentic brand storytelling

uthentic brand storytelling refers to the practice of creating and sharing a brand narrative that is genuine, honest, and resonates with the audience on a personal level. It involves crafting a compelling...

The future of branding

The future of branding

he concept of branding has evolved significantly over the past few decades, from simply being a way to differentiate products or services in a crowded marketplace to a strategic approach to building...

What is YOUR Reason for Being? (Ikigai)

What is YOUR Reason for Being? (Ikigai)

ou don’t “find” your values. You choose them. You have to do the work of exploring and looking and selecting and owning. And then defining! Define what matters most to you. Values are an inexhaustible...

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts Two

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts Two

You don’t “find” your values. You choose them. You have to do the work of exploring and looking and selecting and owning. And then defining! Define what matters most to you. Values are an inexhaustible source of motivation—they propel us forward into the direction of...

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts

My Thoughts Are Not My Thoughts

You don’t “find” your values. You choose them. You have to do the work of exploring and looking and selecting and owning. And then defining! Define what matters most to you. Values are an inexhaustible source of motivation—they propel us forward into the direction of...

Meaning-making as transformative learning ORIG

Meaning-making as transformative learning ORIG

In oktober 2019 merkte ik dat mijn poes Skye al een paar dagen niet goed at. Ik ging het nog wat beter in de gaten houden, en al snel kwam ik tot de conclusie dat ze helemaal niets meer at. Wanneer ik haar lievelingssnoepjes voor haar neus legde, likte ze er wel een...

“What you do is pure magic!”

Ibora Zafira, Manifestation Coach

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Your beauty, our duty

Pampering makes people happy! Detox inside out

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Full body massage

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Skin care

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Hot stone

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Aroma therapy

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Foot spa

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“Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis architecto beatae unde omnis iste natus.”

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