There’s a story inside of
you, itching to be told!

Imagine your future to be so irresistible, it’s bound to come true.

We take our clients through a comprehensive process with tried-and-true steps to sell more offers and impact more lives!

01. How will a Brand Quest bring about our transformation?

Our Strategic Planning capabilities write your transformation playbook:

  1. Workstream Priorities
  2. Define KPIs, Measurement
  3. Internal Stakeholder Mapping
  4. Design your Transformation Maturity Model
  5. Build Strategic Argument for Change
  6. Build Plan for Change
02. What new value can we create?

Our Business Transformation capabilities unlock new economic value using these deliverables:

  1. Strategic Narrative
  2. Category Design
  3. Marketing Sizing Analysis
  4. Value Mapping
  5. Business Design
  6. Business Model Innovation
  7. Commercialization Strategy
  8. Innovation Financial Analysis
03. How does it impact my brand?

Our Brand Transformation capabilities build equities that become competitive advantages:

  1. Purpose Definition
  2. Values
  3. Portfolio Architecture
  4. Brand Strategy
  5. Naming
  6. Brand Identity & Systems
  7. Verbal Branding
  8. Messaging Architecture
  9. Audience Segmentation
  10. Brand-led Innovation Strategy
04. How do we get our company to embrace it?

Our Change Management capabilities embed change into your culture and operations:

  1. Vision Assets
  2. Employee Engagement Planning
  3. Brand Training
  4. Purpose Playbooks
  5. Process Design
  6. Implementation Planning
  7. Executive Internal Communications
  8. Transformation Leadership Coaching for Executives
  9. Brand Governance
  10. Creative Operations Process Design
05. How do we roll it out to the world?

Our Go to Market Design capabilities create touchpoints that drive consumer passion:

  1. Communications Design
  2. Packaging Design
  3. Retail Experience Design
  4. UI Kit Development
  5. On-Product Branding
  6. Website Design
  7. Digital Product Visual Design
  8. Corporate Workspace Design

Let me help you tell it with clarity and style

60 Min Consult | $250

You can hire me for private one-on-one consultation or coaching on any topics around branding, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Book a time below.

Monthly Retainer | $2k

I am open to working personally with select clients on personal brand strategy, website, or copywriting. If you’re interested in hiring me, please send an email to Gigi.

120 Min Consult | $750

You can hire me for private one-on-one consultation or coaching on any topics around branding, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Book a time below.

Bespoke Design | $3k++

I am open to working personally with select clients on personal brand strategy, website, or copywriting. If you’re interested in hiring me, please send an email to Gigi.
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